Mentor-Mentee blogging
One thing that we hope this blog will accomplish is to have our mentors and mentees join in blogging with us. If you search the internet and blogs you won't find many mentor-mentee blogs. True, there are some that have to do with mentoring in a business, but not much to be found for students in kindergarten through twelfth grade.
A couple of great examples though are the blogs and websites belonging to Cabrini Connections, a tutoring and mentoring program serving kids living in Chicago's Cabrini-Green public housing project. Besides having a blog named Cabriniblog for the students and mentors and staff, they also recently added a blog for their Cabrini writing group.
One very interesting blog entry is from a man named Leo Hall who was a mentee way back in 1973! He writes about the effect his mentor had on him :
I now have 2 sons, and am a movie producer and director. Alot of what I do with people is what Dan used to do with me, and that is mentor them. Teach them how to make good decisions and trust and believe in themselves....
[and] I wanted to say this, keep your head up and never forget where you came from and the people that got you there.
So when you have a chance - check out some of these sites and if you want to know more about telling your story here on the Vermont Mentoring Blog send us an email at or contact Marie Gelineau at